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  • December 2007
  • January 2008

  • Archives
    DEC 2007 - JAN 2008
    DEC 2006 - NOV 2007
    OCT 2005 - JUN 2006
    Tuesday, December 25, 2007

    Currently downloading Counterstrike Condition Zero.
    Speed's limit is the sky!
    It is hitting 600kbps, on the average.

    Like wow lah.
    Been to sleep over at Tinaes's house with Jon.

    What else could 3 guys do besides playing the computer, watching cable telly or use the playstation?
    Take a night stroll to the nearby 7 eleven outlet.
    Which is quite far away, but considerably nearby as well (like lol lah, Tinaes).

    Snails at Tinaes's place.

    These were taken when we strolled to the store.

    4 Snails!

    The first (right above) picture illustrates what we saw on our way back from the store.
    2 snails have mysteriously vanished! :o

    We took like half an hour to walk there and back.
    Snails these days have incredible movement speed!
    Richer these days huh? Maybe boots of speed, hmm..

    There were like 2 other snails crawling around when 4 snails were present at the snugly grass patch.
    It seemed like a beepbeep party:
    One snail above another and THAT explains it ALL.
    What else could they be doing, sucking up one another!

    So we left them alone and got our drinks.

    Then the night went by.
    And not before long, it was time for all of us to leave :(

    Tinaes had to get to his dad's place.

    So on my way back with Jon, we saw this ad at the bus stop.
    I thought they were chocolates so I kept looking at it LOL

    Then I realised why these 'chocolates' sported many wacky designs.

    Your all-in-one box.

    No wonder the aunty and some guy glanced at me with a what-have-you-been-thinking-of look.

    More fuude. This is breakfast.

    I'm only posting this because it's some really good breakfast that I wouldn't forget.
    Because I had it 2 weeks ago :(

    2 long weeks!
    Right now there's less than a week before school reopens.

    Ok, I'll update more later.

    Sunday, December 16, 2007

    Hello :)

    Took a horoscope test today.
    Pleased with the results!

    You are 93% Capricorn
    How Capricorn Are You?

    Had breakfast.
    The usual yummy stuff which I'm kinda getting bored of.

    Blue Berry Morning by Post Selection

    Sadly, I'm running out.
    Deeper into my concerns of this shortage, it is unfortunate that the convenience super-mart that is just a walk away will be under some renovations.
    And it's probably going to take a few weeks or so.
    Which also means I'll be turning to bread to survive the mornings.

    Also, since Christmas is nearing and everybody soaked in a Christmas environment, I have decided to take it one step further!

    Hello to Santa hat! :D

    So I usually dish out my hat from my bag and ensure that it is snugly tucked on my head before I leave the apartment.

    However, due to the amount of unexpected attention I'm receiving from onlookers, I have decided to wear the hat only on selectively hand-picked (ooh!) occasions.

    Oh noes my arm is swelling :o

    There isn't much purpose of taking this picture.
    Initially, I just took to contain my anger of getting hit by my dad! :o
    Because he hit me when he couldn't resist that I was talking back and countering back so efficiently.
    I then chose to shower in the dark too -.-

    Why did all this start again?
    I don't really like to point fingers, but if I had to name a person who should be blamed for the spark of this incident, it would be my younger sister.
    I'm not here to tell you why.
    Just letting you in on the little problems I experience and exactly who had caused them.
    Yes, I am defaming!

    Hmm, but everything was settled that very same night.
    So I'm very thankful.

    Oh yeah, I just had dinner and took a few pictures of food (lol, one fuude pls).
    Disclaimer: The following images are at the viewer's discretion to view.

    My sister is at her usual self - extremely nosy - so she had to ask me what I was doing even though she already knew.
    Maybe she just wanted to get some attention from my mum who was sitting in the living room watching the telly.

    What exactly is this? Beef. Mooo!

    I'm a fan of cows.
    But this one is *specially* prepared by my mum, upon the special request of mine.
    Because we've had too much pork chop in these few months and are starting to turn numb towards pork (but bacon - is exceptional).

    Veg - Daily essentials :)

    The composition of this dish is very unique, with bacon slices stir-fried with cabbage and some kind of edible Chinese 'fungus'.
    It also has um, some kind of translucent beehoon.

    So this is just another typically boring day in Hansel's life.

    Well, not quite! :P
    So I did spend my time doing other things, such as listening to the radio for 3 consecutive hours, then proceeding to clean my earphones and then onto a messaging spree.
    As a bonus, I've managed to clear my email inbox of a whopping 1150+ unread messages!

    Currently considering to stay over at Tiniah's {formerly known as Tinaesrupan [*whoa* special brackets man!(LOL)]} house.


    So what does all these events have to do with 'reliving special moments'?
    You see, this day has also brought new meaning to my life!
    And it has to do with that someone special in my life.


    I might just reveal more tomorrow but no promises ^^


    Interesting links to visit:

    America's Next Top Model Parody
    Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis

    Friday, December 14, 2007

    Don't worry, these spaces are not left empty for whatsoever reasons.
    Any moment now..


    Christmas is coming! Yay.
    So this festive season, there's going to be giving and exchanging of presents and all those things you do during this period.
    Which means I should get a job, earn some money, buy some presents and share the joy.

    But no. No one wants to hire a student that cannot afford to work for long-term.
    So you see, GCE O levels suck.

    Santa Claus is coming to town ^^

    However, this hurdle will not be stopping me and I plan to ace these exams and move on from Secondary schooling to a College? Maybe.
    By the end of these holidays, I must get my thoughts sorted out and know what I'm aiming for, so I can strive for them. Then again, planning is just a good intention, carrying out the plans and working toward these goals are nothing close to that and not just as easy to assume.

    Oh and the playlists above are filled with some music by Cascada, techno style.
    I wouldn't advise anyone who dislike techno to click play, so just stay away if techno isn't your thing.

    By today, from the start of the holiday, I'm supposed to have
    1. completed my schoolwork;
    2. revised for the past year;
    3. started on new topics;
    4. improved on Chinese in both vocabulary and fluency;
    5. catch up with friends that I don't meet everyday;
    6. my braces removed, retainers placed in order;
    7. drafted my goals and aims for College/Polytechnic
    The list doesn't end here, there's still a long way to go.

    On to the recent happenings.
    No bowling at all!
    Need to hone my hookshots sometime soon or I might lose too much touch to ever go bowling again.

    Physics tuition, at a price of course.
    It's like a form of paying for force-study but anything goes, because it works out.
    And that's the main reason why I hate to go out on Tuesdays and Fridays; tiring to travel from Novena to Hougang back to Novena and then go out all over Singapore.

    And you guys (or girls) have already heard that I'm giving my younger cousin tuition.
    Just for science.
    A little bit of his background: an all-rounder and fluent in Chinese, which I really admire.

    Billiard and lan gaming, common activities for the guys.
    Nothing much, really.
    Need to hone shooting skills as well!
    I'm eagerly waiting to get out and play, so let's arrange something soon, sometime soon!

    Oh and the highlights, my visit to the dental bus which is currently situated at Zhong Hua Secondary School.
    The lady (nurse? *shrug*) who attended to me is so pretty :D
    And her hands are so warm.
    Especially when she touches my lower-lip or, use her palm to 'firm' my mouth in place :O
    I was thinking, I should really thank her for helping me with my dental hygiene and stuff.
    But more for her generosity because I took about 2 hours of her time.
    And she was sneezing. Maybe she caught a cold.

    AND You have to know this..
    When she bends over and looks into my mouth, I kept trying to avoid looking into her eyes.
    So paiseh!
    I stared at the ceiling, then the lamp, the clock, all over the bus, then look at her forehead AND THEN HER EYES.
    So I was like :D
    And she's like ._.
    I'm like :D
    She's still like ._.
    Then I'm like :D:D
    Still ._.
    So cute :X


    Thought of wishing her something like 'get well soon' as I took my leave but.. but..
    I fail at life.
    End of story!

    And I learned that Zhong Hua is a good co-ed school.
    Because the girls there are so :D
    Just :D!


    Oh yes, the santa hat.
    Here's a little glimpse of it.

    With Turtles >:D

    Hiding behind a furry dew gong

    Woohoo Ninja Turtle! >:)

    This turned out like an emo shot
    But it has a full view of some plush toys :)

    Love my santa hat :D


    People are becoming weird today.
    Tinaes called.
    Right after that, Clarence called.
    Then Shaun.
    Followed by Kenneth.
    And then Shaun, once again.
    All of these calls were simultaneous.
    How surprising :o

    Good day to ya'll.

    Saturday, December 8, 2007

    Good Charlotte Keep your hands off my girl

    Sweet Hummer!

    So I have this obsession with vehicle construction type of reality series.
    Such as American Chopper, Hard Shine and so many many more television programmes on Discovery Channel or Real Time.
    Watching how these vehicles are specially designed in very fine details and how they appear as a final product, how they perform and how they appeal to the crowd really gets into the blood.
    Also, by watching these exciting programmes, you get to experience the intrigue culture and lifestyle in the West.
    And I really like that! :)

    So television time for me has to be tuned to these programmes.
    If not, it has to be MTV but watching music videos gets boring after it is screened repeatedly.
    Because of these *new* channels, I'm kind of losing touch with local shows because the plot is too square.

    Hmm.. after reading the above paragraphs, it got to me that I need to be blogging on stuff that others can relate to, too.
    If not, it's all going to be all about myself and my life.
    Pretty boring stuff.


    This is my blog after all.
    So everything posted has got to do with me, me and me! :D

    The thought of school reopening really sucks, but the thought of myself tutoring my cousin for science really sickens me.
    Why me? :(
    Don't really like to give tuition to people because what you would be actually doing is not helping the students to do their work but rather help them do their work.
    That's quite shitty.
    All I hope for is that my cousin wouldn't turn out to be the type that asks for answers instead of solutions.

    Enough of other stuff, let's talk about what we're here to actually talk about!

    Today, I present to you..


    Or basically just what I've ate in the past few days.
    The appetizer!


    This is some Shepherd's Pie from Don (which Clare claims that it is from Dawn herself but apparently not :P). Yeah it was actually two times bigger.
    And thanks to my conversation with Clare it got burnt and half had to be thrown away because the lights were out and I couldn't see it so I ate it up already before I took this picture.
    LOL No, not really! But it was really that burnt, because I was too carried away and forgot about the oven's settings :(

    Half a pie was still good to settle for.
    Delicious! :D
    Right under that crisp crust, there's actually an egg, halved which rests on two thick layers of potatoes and chicken and whatever ingredients were involved in making the pie - WHICH MAKES IT SO YUMMY!!!


    Up Next: Chickhaaaaaaaan!

    Yes this is the main course.
    Beneath the crisp brown bread crumbs and spices covering the skin of the meat is some cool and new kind of JAPANESE CHICKEN.
    Which actually tastes very goooood but of course that comes with a price.
    In fact, more than just a price of ordinary chicken (because this piece of chicken isn't ordinary in the first place :D).

    Cooked by mum.
    Looked good.
    Smelled good.
    Tasted good! xD
    Simply perfect!~


    Let's see what else I have..

    黑芝麻! Black Sesame Paste :o

    This is yum yum.
    Sweet sesame paste from some dessert store that my sister and mum came across when they went out shopping a few days ago.
    Great for my midnight snack!

    Last but certaintly not least: B&Js! Loves!
    Hello Strawberry Cheesecake :)

    Ice cream is everyone's favourite! :D
    And so I couldn't help but have some ice cream, even when it's in the middle of the night.


    Halloh to ice cream.. *drool*

    So I had my share of great food..
    Great desserts and ice cream.
    Have you had yours? :D

    On to other stuff, I present to you more expensive goodies!




    And Roll!

    So there.
    Asiasoft earns another $30.
    And I don't like that >:(
    But I don't exactly have a choice, do I?

    It's a-cash after all and it makes everybody happy :)
    With this cash I bought some new clothing and stuff in Audition.
    Hmm, which I don't really regret buying anyway so :D

    I are so tired nao.
    Okay goodnight :D

    Thursday, December 6, 2007

    Audition You

    Lol? WTFHAX!
    take the quiz at http://www.am-i-dumb.com
    So the quiz was quite entertaining, and to find that I'm that 'good' makes me wonder if the quiz is even good enough for anyone to try.
    But still, it's good for bored people.
    Like meh!
    So click away and do the quiz, but remember to come back here once you're done with it.

    I'm supposed to be posting about my new phone, but whatever.
    Just for your information, my new number is 923220xx.
    Last two numbers blanked out, but you'll know who is calling you if you see this number appear on your screen.
    If you want my full number, tag me or message me with Windows Messenger.
    Oh yeah and I got myself a Nokia 5700, for $28 which is pretty cheap actually :)
    So basically I'm pretty happy I got this phone, at this price, and totally having a blast with the phone's 'out-of-the-world' features.

    Hmm, what I really want to post about is the recent CHIJ concert.
    So exciting, fun and mesmerising.
    Except the presence of my mum and you'll find out why in just a bit.

    Then there was the time when I had to prepare flowers for 5 ladies.
    The initial idea of presenting the rose came 3 hours before it was completed.

    The roses had to be bought, wrapped with cotton-bud to ensure it has sufficient water to survive the concert and back to the girl's homes.
    But it was pretty plain, so I thought I'd make a card to compliment the rose.
    And so I did!

    Hello to scraps of paper!

    My hands lost touch with the usage of a pair of ordinary scissors.
    So meh, took me lots of time to get this cards prepared.

    Messy desk. Everything is everywhere..

    BoA Last Christmas

    Don't have a picture of the final product though! :/
    So anyway, during the concert, the paper bag of roses were toppled by some donkeys who couldn't look at what they're kicking at, when it's already so obvious I was protecting it.
    The more I think of that incident, the more I think it was done with some hidden agenda!

    As the end of the concert approached, my mum kept pestering me to pass the flowers to their rightful girls, but I was pretty shy to present the gifts, and I couldn't spot where the girls were, too!
    That was very irritating and so, just like any adolescent like me would react, I sat there and pretended as if she had said nothing and purposely defied whatever she said.

    But I had to pay the price and caused myself some time to enjoy the night in the school's compounds as I had to wait for all the girls to be dismissed and to leave the band room.
    Still, it was a great experience!
    And I realised that the girls I gave the roses to are prettier than I have imagined them to be!


    Kay so.. I came back and tidied the messy desk.

    Quite tidy after all, hahaha!

    Yep. Stupid CRT monitor spoils the whole image.
    To come to think of it, the shot looks pretty shaky.
    Blame my unstable arms! :/

    Looking forward to Fantasia 2008, another concert brought to you by the IJ concert band, as well as St Marg's concert band.

    I'll update on the pieces played during the concert some other time, have lots to do like slacking and slacking again, then stop and resume slacking all over.

    Cya! :D

    Wednesday, December 5, 2007

    Hello everyone, these fews days I've been busy with slacking and trying to schedule myself for next year's O-level examinations. This topic itself sucks to be brought up, but there isn't much choice. It's now or never!

    This new blogskin is beautiful and unique and I plan to get some pictures to replace the little navigating words you see by the right side of this window. So here's what has happened for November and has been happening for this month!

    Church Camp

    Full of fun :D
    But I was ill and down with gastric flu and missed out on many activities :(
    And actually this camp didn't seem to be appropriate for a church-like theme, but more of a long sleepover for the girls to catch up with the guys and the guys to catch up with the girls.

    The catechism class that I'm in is like separated, you see.
    Guys on one side, girls on one side.
    But it's not like what it seems like; the guys are not that disciplined but are actually quite willing to mix in with the girls, but every guy seems to be shy towards the girls, with a few exceptions like Sherman and Andrew.

    Activities were plenty and were pretty fun too :)
    They include sandcastle building, ice-breaking games and even involved water-filled balloons too!

    The Sandcastle Team! (with me looking down -_-)

    The Artistic Sandcastle We Built ^^

    Of course, there were many other teams consisiting of the others in the group picture featured above.

    You probably noticed that our sandcastle wasn't build on the sand itself.
    It's their (the team's and not mine) brilliant idea to build the sandcastle on the table to reduce the water-loss of the moat, which is crucial because the objective of this little activity was to ensure that your moat can sustain and hold the water in it, for at least 3 minutes.

    The camp ended off in church, after mass, with another activity that seemed like a pathfinder kind of game.

    Wee! Watch the pretty girl hop across!

    But the camp wasn't all about fun. It was also about getting serious.
    It still is a Church Camp anyway, so there's the 'Churchy' stuff.
    So there were little workshops where we did plentiful of reflections!

    Such as in this room..

    So there was a talk, or rather a little workshop that was conducted by Brother Michael Broughton who spoke on areas such affective and effective love (maybe its his own classification of love) and how boys and girls feel toward each other in this adolescent stage, the outcomes, how to handle or avoid the outcomes, and lastly, things we can apply to ourselves to avoid the messy puppy love thing and get on with life, instead.

    So you realised that more than half of the last paragraph (it's literally just a sentence, look again) is bullshit, but this has happened ages ago and to come to think of it, no one took any pictures of him conducting his workshop.
    So this means I have to Google one up to show you how he looks like, to those who don't know of this holy man who called us, adolescent guys, 'horny bastards'.

    The Oh-So Holy!~
    ignore the little boy and more importantly.. the pants

    I took down some notes of his speech for reference in the future, especially when life hits the shit. I'll share that some other time, or if someone asks me to (it's some pretty interesting stuff).


    I'm sure all of us enjoyed ourselves and I'm looking forward to the next gathering they're planning.
    I have missed one of the gatherings already, but I think there'll be one coming up soon!
    Yay! I hope it's next week. Or the week after next. Or the week beyond!
